The Evils Of The Tongue

The Evils Of The Tongue

Islamhouse Publications | Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 91 | Size: 1.5 MB

The Evils Of The Tongue: Various Prohibitions regarding Speech.


All Praise are due to Allah. First and foremost I thank Allah, the
Generous, for having finally made this humble effort a reality. We
praise Him because if it were not for His Graciousness, it would
never materialize, as He Himself, reminds us in a Qudsi Hadeeth:
“...Know if the Nation (all mankind) were to gather together
to benefit you with something, it would only
benefit you with something that Allah had already prescribed
for you...” [at-Tirmidhi]
Also, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said:
“Whoever does not show gratitude to mankind is not
grateful to Allah.” [Abu Dawood, Ahmad & others]
I, therefore, express my deepest gratitude to all those who contributed
directly or indirectly to bringing this publication to this
final format, because I would never have been able, by myself, to
achieve this.
There are some people who deserve special mention because of
their tremendous sacrifice and help in seeing this job through and
they are: Brother ‘Imran Ferouz Raghubar for completely reviewing
and verifying the authenticity of its content.
Brothers: Bilaal Nantambu, Azam Mohamed, Shaheed Ahamad,
Haseeb Yusuf and Nasir Jabar for proof reading it and making
many valuable suggestions.
Brother Fatal Bacchus for always being willing to assist.
And, most importantly, Brother Haseeb Khan and his staff for
their selflessness in affording me the total use of their computers,
and to Brother Haseeb Khan specifically for his invaluable suggestions
for layout and other technicalities relative to typesetting,
and for his design of the cover.
May Allah, the Most High bless all of us, and may He cause the
efforts of all involved to be purely for Him, and may He store its
reward for us with Himself. Ameen.


I) Chapter One:

Speaking about Allah without Knowledge

A) Lying upon Allah and/or His Messenger (peace be upon him)
1. Various ways in which lying upon Allah and His Messenger are manifested
a) Describing Allah without proof from the Quran and the authentic Sunnah
b) Explaining Ayat of the Quran or the Hadeeth of the Prophet (peace be upon him) with meanings other than their apparent ones.
c) Making Haraam Halaal
d) Making Halaal Haraam
e) Using fabricated and unauthentic Hadeeth
2. Making Legal decisions in Allah’s Deen without knowledge
3. Ruling by other than what Allah has revealed
4. Bid‘ah (innovations)

II) Chapter Two

A) Committing Shirk by the Tongue

B) Shirk Committed by the Tongue
1. Supplicating to other than Allah
2. Kufr Ni’mah
3. Visiting Fortune tellers, obeah men
4. Swearing by other besides Allah
5. Denying a Name or description of Allah or changing its apparent meaning
6. Blaspheming Allah, the Quran, Allah’s Messenger, etc.
7. Those who deny Qadr
8. It is prohibited to sit in the company of those who give wrong interpretation about the Quran or Islam

III) Chapter Three

A) Affecting a Muslim with the tongue
1. Backbiting
2. Slander and False accusation
3. Witnessing Falsehood or Bearing False Witness
4. Accusing/Slandering pious women
5. Lying
6. Tale Carrying (Scandal)
7. How to treat Tale-carriers
8. It is prohibited to deceive a Muslim who is seeking sincere advise
9. The prohibition of proposing to a woman who is already engaged
10. Indulging in defaming a Muslim
11. The two-faced person
12. Mockery, Sarcasm and debasing Muslims
13. Disclosing and spreading secrets
14. It is prohibited to remind others of one’s generosity

IV) Chapter Four

A) Some seemingly harmless uses of the tongue that have disastrous consequences
1. Begging
2. Praising people
3. Singing
4. Jesting and Joking
5. Disputes and Arguments

V) Chapter Five

A) General Evils of the tongue
1. Speaking about that which there is no need
with which to concern oneself
2. Excessive speech
3. Engaging in vain talk
4. A shameless, vulgar, indecent tongue
5. Gossip
6. It is prohibited for a woman to describe another woman to her husband
7. The prohibition to use the word ‘if’ in relation to Qadr (predestination)
8. It is prohibited for a person to say such and such is for Jannah or Jahanam
9. The prohibition of defaming one’s kin
10. The prohibition of boasting
11. The prohibition to speak while the Khateeb is giving Khutbah on the Day of Jumu’ah
12. Prohibition to employ Respectable titles for hypocrites and Innovate

B) Blaspheme, ridicule, insult and abuse
1. It is prohibited to blaspheme:
a) Allah, His Messenger (peace be upon
him) His Book, His Deen
b) The Sahabah
c) Muslims
d) The dead
e) What the unbelievers worship
f) The wind
g) The rooster
h) Time
i) Fever





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