in the name og allah most merciful and compassinate
"There is a polish for everything that takes away rust; and the polish for the heart is the remembrance of Allah. These were the words of our Holy Prophet (s.a.w). He is the Prophet chosen from Allah (s.w.t). He is the one from all the millions chosen from Al- Khaliq (The Creator). He is the one who is the talking & walking Quran. It is he who told us Allah (s.w.t)’s glorious, beautiful words. Muhammad (s.a.w) is the Messenger of God.
“La ilaha illallah
Muhammad ar-Rasullullah"

Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) is the last Prophet from all of Allah’s messengers. Prophet Muhammad was born to Ameenah & Abdullah. Abdullah went on a business trip to Syria & died due to sickness six weeks before Muhammad was born. Ameenah & Abdul Muttalib both was responsible for Muhammad’s life. In the days of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) ladies from the country would come & raise a child for tuition. Nobody went to Ameenah’s house because the woman thought she was to poor to pay the tuition, but another lady named Halima wanted to take Muhammad because she didn’t want to go back empty handed. Ameenah & Halima both satisfied each other because Ameenah had a guarantee that Muhammad would get a good life & Halima wouldn’t go back ashamed. Muhammad came back to his mother at five years old. Ameenah died as she came back from a trip to her relatives from Abwa. Abdul Muttalib then took care of him, but sadly he died as well when Muhammad was eight years old. Then he went to stay with his paternal uncle, Abu Talib. With Abu Talib’s guardianship, Muhammad became a businessman & trader. On one certain trip Muhammad & Abu Talib went to Bostra Syria to trade goods for a rich merchant named Khadija. After hearing about Muhammad’s astounding traits & business deals, he proposed to him when she was forty & he was twenty-five.

Khadija & Prophet Muhammad had six children, Qasim, Abdullah, Umme Kulthoom, Fatima, and Ruqqayah & Zainab. Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) had a hobby of climbing the mountain of Hira & going into the Cave of Hira & meditating there. When he was meditating he heard a voice “Iqra” (meaning to read). Muhammad answered “I can’t read!” The voice kept urging him to say it, so he did. He then recited the first five ayahs ever.
Proclaim! (Or read!) in the name of thy Lord and Cherisher, Who created- Created man, out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood: He Who taught (the use of) the pen,- Taught man that which he knew not.

Muhammad was very scared & he was trembling in fear & as he ran out of the cave he heard "Muhammad, you are the Messenger of God, and I am Gabriel." Looking up, Muhammad saw an angelic form standing across the horizon, repeating the message. When he got home he asked Khadija to cover him with a blanket, but then he explained it to her & found out that this was the first revelation. Muhammad kept on getting revelations & then him & a small band of people admitted what they believed in. All Muslims were tortured & this how the Battle of Badr began. The Prophet’s legacy is not finished yet. He has more pat of his life than this.
The Prophet (saw) said, "He who defends the honor of his (Muslim) brother, Allah will secure his face against the Fire on the Day of Resurrection”. That was a hadith; a hadith is a saying or action of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) & his Sahabas. Prophet Muhammad has many hadith & they are so beautiful. If you know the meaning & what the hadith is trying to tell you, you will see it has pure sincerity devoted into it. That is one reason why Prophet Muhammad is the “Walking Quran”. The reason is that his hadith are just like quranic ayahs & they’re both beautiful & informative. All the hadith are informative & unique.
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) "There is nothing heavier put on the scale of a believer on the Day of Resurrection than good character”.
The Holy Prophet has said that whilst you are praying, imagine that all the prophets are on your right, all the angels on your left, heaven in front of you, hell below you, and Allah watching over you.

Prophet Muhammad always followed what Allah (s.w.t) said. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w) was always loyal to Allah, respectful to everyone (especially elders), he was kind & his iman was complete.
"True believers are only those whose hearts are filled with awe whenever God is mentioned, and whose faith is strengthened whenever His revelations are recited to them. In their Lord they place their trust." [8:2]
He would always fit into everything Allah (s.w.t) would say a Muslim must be. He is the supreme example for everybody, Muslims & non-Muslims. Some Muslims now don’t even know how lucky they are to have Prophet Muhammad ibne Abdullah (s.a.w) as a guide for us. He always uses good manners & he is the supreme human being. This is another example of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) being the Walking Quran, he always practices what the Quran said we should do.

Prophet Muhammad always recited the Quran wherever he went. When people came for him for problems, questions, etc. he would always put quranic ayahs in the solution of the problem. Quran was one of the major things in his life. He read it for hours & he was a hafiz (preserver). He wrote down the Quran himself. That is another example Prophet Muhammad is the walking Quran, he always repeats the Quran as if he had the Quran right with him.

Now all of you know how Prophet Muhammad ibne Abdullah (s.a.w) was a great man & the “Walking Quran”. If we all just try to act like him, then the muslim race would always be well-respected. Inshallah , we will all try to become like one day & we will make Allah( s.w.t) proud.
Thank You very much & God knows best.



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