The Needs Of Humanity In The Mission Of Prophet Muhammad

The Needs Of Humanity In The Mission Of Prophet Muhammad

Adel ibn Ali Al-Shiddy - AbdulRazaq Maash | Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 42 | Size: 2 MB
The Needs Of Humanity In The Mission Of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): This is a research that was developed to answer the Westerners who presently asking what new aspects Prophet Muhammad -peace be upon him- offered to the world?

Some Westerners are presently asking what new aspects Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) offered to the world. Undoubtedly, all those who conveyed great messages were great in themselves, great in their lives. And although they appeared during specific periods of history, they left their mark, not only on their own societies, but on the history of the entire world.

Among them was our Prophet, Muhammad (PBUH).The outstanding feature of his greatness lies in the fact that he was the bearer of a divine monotheistic message. It was a comprehensive message aimed basically at the amendment of human life, shifting it from barbarism and paganism to a monotheistic civilization based on certainty of faith.

Will Durant, the American research scholar and author of “The Story of Civilization”, wrote:

"When we judge greatness by what effect a great person left on people, we could say that Muhammad  was one of the greatest figures in history. For he took it upon himself to elevate the spiritual and moral level of a people cast into the shadows of savagery by the heat and aridity of the desert. He succeeded in the realization of that goal on a scale never achieved by any other reformer in history. Very seldom do we find someone who actually achieved that of which he dreamt. It was not merely because he was an extremely religious person, but because there was no influence other than that of religion which motivated the Arabs of that time to follow the path he pursued. When he began his mission, the land of Arabia was an arid desert inhabited by a few disunited polytheistic tribes. But by the time of his death it had become a unified, cohesive nation. He had tamed the
anarchy of fanaticism and superstition and established a religion over Judaism, Christianity and the ancient beliefs of his land that was uncomplicated, lucid and powerful, a bastion of morality, honesty, valor and national honor. Within a single generation he was able to triumph in a hundred battles, to found a great nation within one century, and remain until this day a formidable power throughout half of the world."

We, of the Program for Introducing the Prophet of Mercy (PBUH) , consider it among our obligations to answer the questions pertaining to what Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) offered to the world and to humanity with reference to the topics that follow.

